Integrated Auto Shop
Enable The Free Integration
AutoOps now enables RepairPal to confirm appointment availability before scheduling appointments and automatically push appointments on your shop calendar
Integrated & Intelligent Scheduling
Pulls live calendar availability and pushes appointments directly into your shop management system.
Recommend Deferred Work
Prompt customers to include previously declined service in their upcoming visit.
Try For Free
Try AutoOps for free for the first 30 days. No contracts, or setup-fee
AutoOps Integrates with Your Shop Management System
The #1 Online Scheduling Tool for Auto Shops
Trusted by shop owners all across North America
(Click on a shop logo to check out AutoOps live)
Your Virtual Service Advisor
Customer Recognition: Show returning customers their vehicle information in the scheduling tool.
Upsell Declined Service: Increase your shop’s revenue per customer.
Universal Site Compatibility: AutoOps works with all web hosts and marketing agencies.
Customer Photos & Videos: Allow customers to share more information with your shop.
Waiter/Drop-Off Settings: Customize the settings to perfectly fit your shop’s needs.
“43% Of Customers Search For
A Shop After Business Hours.”
Source: Solutionreach
Hear From Shop Owners
“AutoOps has broken the industry by making the appointment process personal and low friction"
Bill Adams
“AutoOps actually listens to us shop owners. They streamlined the online appointment process for our clients, and we get compliments to back it up!"
Jason Rousseau
Stay Ahead With Google
AutoOps integrates with Reserve With Google to add a book with Google button. Convert customers by allowing them to book an appointment directly from:
Google Search
Google Maps
Google Assistant
Google helps your shop stand out in search results so you can convert web searches to paying customers!
After-Hours Sales
Customers can schedule while you are away from the phone.
Save Advisor’s Time
Decrease phone call count and increase daily bookings.
Convert Better On Marketing
See which campaign led to schedule at your shop.
Reduce No-Shows
Automatically send text message appointment reminders.